Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Collection of Friday Flowers

Brought to you on a Thursday ;)

We have had some stormy weather lately, which always results in slower than usual dial up internet service...making it nearly impossible to post pictures on the blog. So, some of my Friday Flowers have been laying idly by on my camera. Today, the computer seems to be cooperating - so here is a collection to catch me up!

Can you guess what this beautiful flower (complete with busy bee) is? I will give you a smells heavenly and is cherished by butterflies:

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It is a common milkweed! Below is an old fashioned, ruffly hollyhock with such dainty flowers, though the plant itself is a real iron horse:

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The old fashioned petunias are so often overlooked now that the new "wave" varieties have gotten popular. But this old, very fragrant purple is still my favorite:

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The daylily below is one of the few that I have ever purchased and of course, I lost the tag for the name. Isn't it stunning? I would love to try dyeing some roving in these colors:

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And finally, I had to include some fiber! This one is called Silver Lining and spins up interestingly textured (it is a mix of white and silver Corriedale and pygora). Notice that there ARE some flowers in the background of this photo (those purple petunias again)!

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I'm actually very glad that I had these photos (along with others) because the hail from last nights storms shredded much of what was in my garden....including my burgeoning Brandywine tomatoes! WAAAAAAH!


Theresa said...

I always love your photos...I am just itching to photograph every square inch of your farm! :o)

Carissa said...

What pretty flowers! I especially love the hollyhocks! I just love the tall "cottage garden" type flowers. I just store up gardening ideas until I have a place to make them happen! The new roving looks wonderful too!

Tracy Batchelder said...

I heard of your blog from Carissa. Lovely flowers and photos from your weekend in the woods.