Friday, June 06, 2008

Hot Days and Colored Fibers

Yes, it is. It is finally hot and humid in Michigan...and thankfully, we got some rain. Probably not enough to help the hay crop much at this point, but enough to revive some sleepy pastures!

All of the white fleeces I showcased here a week or so ago have sold (thank you to all who inquired!) I have three remaining partial fleeces for sale, all three are natural colored from covered sheep, and they are listed on my webpage ~ you can go here to check them out. Maxine's (below) is one of those fleeces:


This should be the last of the 2008 raw fiber available for sale unless I decide to part with some of my own personal stash {{{grin}}} - my eyes are always bigger than my available time in a day. If you did not get a chance to purchase a Serenity Farms fleece this year, and are not already on the waiting/reserve list for 2009, please contact me and I will add your name.

Okay, now I should go and pull some weeds from the garden. But I might not....

1 comment:

Alpaca Granny said...

Cary, your link didn't work for me. We've had more rain. Yea! maybe hay won't be so scarce this year.....