I signed up for the Hush-Hush Handpun Hootenanny swap over at Ravelry. I am just "homespun" enough to get a chuckle out of the name ;) Here are my answers to the questionnaire for my future swapper:
How long have you been spinning? What skill level do you consider yourself?5 or 6 years and I consider myself an intermediate spinner
What kinds of yarn do you create (singles/2-ply/3-ply/art yarn)? Yes ((grin)) The yarn I create depends on what I am spinning for. I find bulky spinning the hardest to do.
What do you spin with (spindle/wheel/both)?Wheel – have never conquered the spindle and at this point in my somewhat arthritic life, I don’t feel the need to ;)
What are your favorite fibers to spin with? Anything you don't like?I raise Corriedale sheep and that is my favorite. Wool is my favorite, period. I much prefer it to alpaca, silk or any of the other “luxuries”. I do, however, like angora bunny and I like some of the other fancy stuff when it is blended with wool. I do not like spinning cotton or flax
Who are your favorite crack dealers fiber sources (etsy or otherwise)?Well, I have my own supply on the hoof and support other local fiber producers. But I love the yarns from Heritage Yarns and fibers from Spinderella’s. I love the fiber I bought from The Woolen Rabbit, too.
What kind of fiber do you want to try?Hmmm…not sure about that one, I don’t think there is anything new I want to try
Is there any techniques you would like to learn?I would like to conquer the long-draw in spinning, also improve my spinning from the fold technique.
Do you dye fiber? If not, would you like to learn?I do dye fiber and wish I had time to do more of it.
Do you have fiber prep tools (and like to use them) or would you prefer ready to spin fiber?
I have combs, both mini combs and the larger ones – I love them and even sold my drumcarder. At this point, I guess I would prefer ready to spin fiber unless it is something like angora bunny, which I can always blend with what I have at home.
What do you do with your handspun? What projects have you completed?I mostly spin for socks and mittens, or else finer stuff for shawls and scarfs. These are also the types of projects I have completed.
Are you in need of any spinning gadgets (WPI Gauge, threading hook, etc)?No, I think I have most of those kinds of things that I need – but maybe my partner has discovered some really cool little gadget I might not have thought of?
What colors "fall into your shopping basket"? Any colors you just can't stand?Any and all of them have a need to fall into my basket – LOL! I guess I’m not that crazy about neon blends, though.
What is on your wheel/spindle right now?Alpaca on one wheel; Corriedale-Pygora on the other
What other crafts/hobbies do you have?Gardening
Other than crafts, what are you passionate about?My Christianity and my family and farm
Do you have an online wishlist?No
Is there anything that you collect?Things that have sheep on them
Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What magazine subscriptions do you have?
I would like to try some of The Woolen Rabbit's yarns one of these days. We subscribe to The Shepherd; Spin-Off; Draft Horse Journal and Farm magazines
When is your birthday?
January 24
What book or movie character do you most resemble in personality?
Now don’t laugh because I am a girl and this character is a boy…but I think I am a lot like Ken McLaughlin in Mary O’Hara’s My Friend Flicka books. I was a real dreamer when I was a girl, and of course crazy to have a horse of my own. Often my daydreams got in the way of me getting my work done or caused problems, as happened with Ken in the books. Did you know there were three books in that series? My Friend Flicka; Thunderhead, Son of Flicka and Green Grass of Wyoming
What is the climate like where you live around this time (need to know for careful shipments of anything meltable)?
Summer in Michigan this year has been typically unpredictable. Last week it was close to 90 and humid – this week is a beautiful 70 and low humidity
Tell us one weird fact about yourself!
That I would rather be here at home than any place else on this earth! I don’t think that is so weird, but lots of people tell me it is ;)
Favorites -
Favorite painting/picture(link):
There is a well known painting of Jesus praying in the Garden at Gethsemane, but I’m not sure who painted it. A huge reproduction of that painting hung at the alter in the little country church I went to as a child and it always stirred up deep emotions in me, even as a child. The other one I like is of Jesus amidst a flock of sheep, carrying a wee lamb. There is even a black sheep in the flock. I have a copy of both of those pictures. And then I have one of a beautiful collie dog who has found a lamb in the snow. I don’t know who made any of these pictures, but I love them all.
Candy: I love caramel
Food: Anything! I really like the comfort type foods and probably prefer salty snacks to sweet (well, except for the caramel I mentioned!)
Drink: Coffee, followed closely by unsweetened iced tea and good old milk ;)
Movie(s): Old movies are my favorites. I love Casablanca; Gone With The Wind; Mrs. Miniver; John Wayne movies;
TV Show(s): I like Mystery on PBS; As Time Goes By on PBS; Grey’s Anatomy (though I hated this last season)
Book(s): That changes all the time
Guilty Pleasure(s): Buying to much yarn and fiber when I already have a good supply and at this time of year buying more new plants than I really need for the garden ;)
Hi Cary,
I love your webpage. It is set up beautifully--wonderful photos. Thanks for your help in knitting my dish cloth. I finished my first today!!
Many thanks!
Denise Cole (Sip and Knit beginner)
That is fantastic that you raise corriedale sheep! I would love to do that one day, but then I will realize how much work it is and then not do it. ;)
Glad to have you as part of the HHHH!
I love those books, Cary! I read and re-read them as a young girl. I started Flicka as a read-aloud to the kids recently and quickly realized that I need to build up their vocab a bit first :~P I can identify with Ken, too. I don't know how I did as well as I did in school with all the dreaming out the window about horses!
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