Friday, February 27, 2009

LIMITED EDITION Silver Shadows Roving

A few weeks ago I was cleaning up my fiber room (ummmm, maybe I should call it the "fiber house" - there is fiber and yarn in nearly every room, LOL!) Anyway, as I gathered some things together I found a fair amount of grey Alpaca and both white and silver French angora bunny. I knew I had a bit of silver Corriedale already washed that I had kept from our ewe, Mary. Throw in some dehaired Pygora and I had enough to take with me to Zeilingers for processing into roving!

Because the fibers were already washed, turn around time was short and I got the call last Friday that it was ready for pickup. It is lovely, but I don't need it all so am offering one pound of it FOR SALE here. For some reason I can't get a page loaded on my website, and that is why you find this roving listed here at the blog.

SILVER SHADOWS ~ Silver Corriedale, grey Alpaca, Pygora and Angora! Spinning this is a real joy, watching the light reflect back the subtle shading of the fiber as it moves through your hands like a shadowy mist. This is a very textural roving*, easy to spin lofty and bulky or fine and ethereal (see photo below) ~ many options for this beauty, but only a small amount (one pound) available. $2 per ounce (minimum purchase of 2 ounces, please) or $28 for the entire pound plus shipping. I imagine this would overdye beautifully!

* The alpaca used in this blend was a grey fiber boy with some guard hair and the French Angora (both grey and white) were older guys with considerable guard hairs, so while a soft and lovely end product please be aware that there are guard hairs present in this roving

UPDATE 2/27/09 ~ The roving is SOLD, thank you to all who inquired!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whew, that was a close one. Thought I was going to have to take that pretty stuff! Glad it found a good home ;-)