Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time To Wake Up!

From what feels like a long winters nap, or at least a slow awakening to spring!

I came out of the barn the other day and looked up the hill to see the rooster (with our neighbors flag behind him), still crowing at ten in the morning! I happened to have the camera with me (taking pictures of lambs) and couldn't resist this shot. It seemed like it was a nudge to me to shake off winter and wake myself up!

"Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You..." Psalms 143:8 (Amplified Bible)

Flowers and grass are growing, trees are budding ~

We are done lambing, finishing with thirty five live lambs. Some glamorous whites and wild colors:

We lost two, one at the beginning and one at the end of lambing season. I only had to assist with one birth (with timely help from friend Mary). We have one bottle lamb this year, an endearing little fellow (now wethered) named Gordon that you will see here one of these days. Two sets of triplets, the first set triplet boys from Amanda and the second set, three little ewes from Ava, sired by Autry! The plan is to keep all three of them. Didn't have to help with either of those births!

Yes, it is time to wake up, there is lots to do....always lots to do. But maybe it would be okay to have just one more snooze in the sunshine before getting started...

(Ava's triplets, sleeping in the is a grey badgerface, one a solid black and one white! Way to go Ava!!!)


Michelle said...

A friend of mine has lambs and invited me to come with my children to see the little lambs. We got there just as one had given birth. It was an amazing site to see. The kids loved seeing all the little ones playing.

PS. I love your rooster picture. You are lucky you had the camera. That's a once in a lifetime shot.

Deborah said...

I love that rooster picture. And of course the lambs are adorable.