Tuesday, May 03, 2011

We Really Do Have Lambs...

I thought you might be waiting for proof (grin)~

These are, from top to bottom, Carley's lambs Hayley (black ewe) and Holden (white ram); Amanda's twin ewes, Hannah and Heather; Sarah's ewe Helen (remember baby Helen, born back in February?) and then Dawn's wildly colored ewe lamb Hilda (named after a shepherd mentor and friend). These are just a few of the flock that I was able to snap pictures of this past week. Here are two more:

LOL...don't adjust your monitor, Serenity Farms has not switched breeds! The ewe pictured above is Izzie. She is an Icelandic-Hampshire cross ewe. She came to us as a yearling and is a very efficient sheep. Her sire was a stunning registerd polled moorit Icelandic ram from Orchard Hill Fleece Farm, her dam was a registered Hampshire ewe. Izzie's first lamb last year from our Corriedale ram looked like any other speckle face, commercial cross sheep. This year's lambs, also from our Corriedale ram, threw back to the Icelandic genetics in a big way. These guys are fine boned, fast growing, with wavy fleece that appears to be dark moorit on one and black on the other. One of them (the one I think is moorit) has very small tear drop shaped patches under his eyes and a bit of shading around his muzzle. They are both wethered and their names are Hoot and Holler ;)

We are still waiting on a few young ewes to lamb, first timers, then we are done for the year. Overall, we are very pleased with the quality and vigor of the lambs from our new registered Corriedale ram "Ted Collins". I'll end this post with a picture of him back on an earlier, woolier, wintery day (he is the white fellow peering into the camera):


Inky077 said...

Your pictures of the sweet lambs are heartbreakingly adorable. :)
It's so interesting to learn the, pardon the pun, backside of sheep farming - the breeding, types, characteristics, etc. Really neat! Honestly, I think Ted looks pre-tty satisfied right now lol.

Joanne said...

What fun to see your pictures of your lambs. They are sooo cute.

Kathy W said...


susanne42 said...

cary the lambs are just adorable and i'm so glad i got some from your nice flock too. it will be very interesting how the color change :)

Unknown said...


Love the pictures! I keep trying to comment back to you on my blog, but I cant! My father in law makes all of our chicken and rabbit tractors, they are awesome! Especially for our free range meat birds!

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

Just read the post at gypsyspinners, saw all those wonderful pics of raw wool and wanted to see if there is any more! I can't get to your website for some reason it wont load. Email me? sittin.n.spinnin at gmail dot com
Thanks :)