Friday, February 29, 2008

The Promise

There hasn't been much writing going on here at Serenity Farms...people in this household (and the extended family) have been sick, sick and sicker ;[ I hope the worst of it all is behind us now.

Of course, sickness does not excuse a farmer/shepherd/wife/mother/grandmother from going to work or doing her work, does it? But somehow (on the farming/shepherding front), I feel that making myself get up, bundle up and trudge through the snow in sub-zero temperatures builds strength and actually keeps me going! At a time when I read or hear over and over about how people are fighting the "winter blues" or wondering how they can overcome depression or sadness, I realize again how blessed I am to be given the privilege to be on a small farm and care for livestock. It doesn't allow time for those feelings, and when I am least expecting it ~ something or someone does something to cheer me and lift my spirits. It might a ewe who pushes her nose into my hand for a scratch, or the antics of lambs or it might be the glory of a sunrise or the moon glowing over the fields that bring peace and joy. Or best of all might be a special moment shared on the farm with a family member!

Most of you know that I LOVE probably is my favorite season. But today, the photo I am leaving you with is one I took last spring and called "The Promise"...a row of lavender plants that border my long perennial garden, just beginning to show their promise of what will come. Here is to the promise of spring soon to come (and of course, the weeding of the garden that will go along with might notice the pile of weeds that I had been pulling on the lawn next to the garden!)



Anonymous said...

From a fellow Michi-gander and fiber farm fanatic...I agree with your comments that trudging out everyday thru freezing rain, bitter cold, ice and snow, in fact, several times a day, to to feed, thaw, comfort and care for our critter family pulls at the heart strings in a good way. You know that they appreciate it but... Thanks for sharing in this labor of love...and the many secret blessings. Being reminded that I'm not the only one who feels this way is reassuring.

Carissa said...

What a lovely picture! I always enjoy your pictures of your farm and garden, I get to live vicariously through them! I hope that you are all on the mend and are back to full strength quickly!

Donna B said...

All that green is a sight for sore eyes!

Lona said...

What a lovely photo!

We've had glimpses of the sun the past couple of days, and the season I call MUD has begun. Spring will be here soon!