Sunday, March 27, 2011

March On, 2011!

In typical March fashion, the weather has given us some mighty big swings! We went from this ~

To this ~

And back to this ~

All in a matter of days. Along with that last storm came ice and lots of it, but worse than that the temperatures bottomed out again. Just in time for the ewes (who could have lambed in that week of warm weather) to decide to start lambing when the thermometer read 11 degrees.

But so far, things have gone fine. That photo above? Do you remember our bottle lamb Francie, daughter of Eve? This is her first lamb and he is a big boy. She has done a wonderful job. I had to pull him just a little - everything was in the right place, but his nose was hung up just a little bit. But even though she was tired, she went right to mothering him and doing her job. In the picture above he had just been born. Below, she is working hard at cleaning him up a bit

He is a beautiful silvered grey with black and tan points as well. Very handsome! More to share, but we will probably be busy with lambing for the next week or so. And skirting fleeces. And finishing a few projects. I hope I will get a chance to drop in with lamb (and fleece) photos once in a while!


Lona said...

Beautiful pictures! You *know* they always lamb as the weather changes.

Jody said...

Beautiful pics. I look forward to more pics of lambs and fleece:-)
Our lambs were born mid-March (still one more ewe to go) and it is still -15C in the mornings here!

Margaret at Heritage Yarns said...

Cary, your farm and pictures and especially sheep are just the best. I love visiting your blog!
